Saturday, November 13, 2004

Mass Vomiting!

Not since the mid-nineties and Tom Hanks infamous Oscar speech has such a response been elicited. Thanks to Tony Blair's and George Bush's swapping of gushing praise yesterday it happened again as mass vomiting erupted all over Britain last night.
The effect was heard, felt and smelt all over the UK last night and it is feared that the mess will not be cleared up until sometime next week.
No-one was unaffected by the sugary praise exchanged between the too. Even loyal Blair supporters were affected by the press conference. A loyal Blair aide, who we cannot name so instead we'll him call a spineless vainglorious sycophantic toady who trembles in fear when the party whip comes calling, said:
"I thought the speech was lovely but even I found myself retching at the end of it."

It wasn't all bad though as the arse licking speech came just in time for a Mr M'upName from Bath, UK.
After accidentally overdosing on indigestion tablets he was advised to induce vomiting.
"Unfortunately," Mr M'upName commented earlier, "I had trouble even retching. But thank God I turned on the TV when I did. Cuz when I saw Blair lavish Bush like that, out it came! I was like a garden hose. There was no stopping it. I even brought up a spangle I ate in '79!"


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