Saturday, October 30, 2004

Exclusive: Man not that bothered by Bush

The Yeti. The Lock Ness Monster. The man in the moon.
Sightings and contact with these myths and phenomena are rare but not as rare This Might be Satire's recent encounter with the following 21st century phenomena. Rumours were abound of its existence but they were never taken seriously. Until now.
In a This might be Satire exclusive we can now reveal to you our meeting with an ordinary man with an extraordinary quality. Mr H Herbert.
A man with no opinion on George W Bush.
Outlandish for sure but yes, it is true.
Mr H Herbert, a British citizen who resides in Richmond, London, become known to us after a phone poll regarding the upcoming US election. When asked what his feelings were on current US President Bush his answer stunned us.
'Don't know.'

Bush: Being informed of the indifference yesterday

Of course, after an answer like that we had to talk to this apparent freak of nature.
'I'm not that bothered by him. Either way,' Mr Herbert said when probed. 'I neither like him or dislike the man.'
When asked if he was currently on medication, dropped on his head as a baby or just a bit slow, Mr Herbert just laughed.
'No!' he said. 'I'm just not that interested that's all.'
Thankfully, so far, this has remained a one off. But if any Satire readers know of any other person who has this bizarre condition please get in touch with us immediately at the usual Satire address.
We are also interested in sightings of people with no opinion on Tony Blair.
Though we know we're pushing our luck on this one.


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