Friday, October 29, 2004

US Irony deficiency threat

America is facing a new and bigger threat that's even more powerful and dangerous than obesity.
A severe lack of Irony.
This streak, that gives those that have it a healthy, rational and humorous view of the world around them, has been falling ever since the current Bush presidency has taken office, critics today claimed.
A British scientist who recently finished a study in the US today said,
'If it isn't dealt with quickly the whole of America will be Irony deficient.'
The British scientist pointed to recent events to back up his claims.
'You only have to look at the recent election campaign adverts as an example of the growing threat. The US president, in this respect, shows an alarmingly low level of Irony here. Throughout the Iraq conflict he has proclaimed admiration and support for those in the armed forces. Yet when it came to tackling his election opponent John Kerry, he attacked his Vietnam war record. A perfect example of Irony deficiency.'
The Scientist from MadeupName University, Somerset, England, finished with a stark warning for those yet to face up to the Irony depletion threat,
'Studies have shown that when Irony falls other vital qualities for a happy, humorous and rational view of the world soon follow. These include sarcasm, parody and satire. But not puns because they're crap.'